ScreenPro Security Looks to Eradicate COVID-19 Through PCR & Rapid Testing

March 01, 2021 -

Test, Track and Trace, Vaccinate. A fairly simple summary regarding the solution to end COVID-19 that has been echoed by governments spanning the globe. The issue surrounding the three-step process is that none are currently practical and only exist in theory. Current test kits have been proven ineffective with too many false positives/ negative for comfort and remain severely invasive, tracking the spread of the virus remains underserved while ongoing lockdown efforts continually fail, and vaccinations have been rushed through production only to provide limited initial quantities. Countless communities continue to bear the weight of everchanging policies and restrictions at the hands of the invisible enemy that have disrupted our lives and our livelihood. One company, however, has taken the initiative to provide an abundance of state-of-the-art test kits that holds the potential to allow the healthy general society to carry on some form of normalcy while awaiting the progression of vaccinations and the removal of government agendas.

ScreenPro Security

ScreenPro Security (SCRN: CSE) is a Canadian based business regarded as the quintessential company for administering COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing on various sites for the private sector in Canada. The company is currently working closely with film and production companies in British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec, performing upwards of 2500 PCR tests in a single day on site with an industry leading 24-hour turnaround time. This quick turnaround is vital for the film industry due to the set time frame available to start and finish all required filming on set, and ScreenPro has been able to answer the call and deliver a superior product for this demand. ScreenPro provides PCR tests to their clients’ employees and are 100% accurate giving security and confidence to get people back to work quickly and safely. To add to this, ScreenPro’s PCR test can also detect the new variants and this information has been registered with Health Canada. When compared to other test kits that generate results within 48 to 72 hours, ScreenPro has delivered a superior product to the market, and has already attracted the attention of numerous film and television companies with many likely to follow suit. ScreenPro Security has accomplished an uninterrupted supply chain of South Korean test kits and ancillary products, such as lab equipment, to process the tests quickly and effectively. South Korea was the first country to flatten the curve and continues to lead by example while the rest of the world struggles to contain outbreaks.

Having already partnered with a number of labs across Canada and supplying them with necessary testing machinery, ScreenPro Security is able to provide immediate results for the influx of testing being performed by provincial governments where tests have been sent out of country due to a lack of local processing availability. For example, Ontario Government recently sent roughly 25,000 tests to California for review, resulting in unnecessary use of taxpayer dollars and an increase to test result wait times. By recognizing the need for improvements to a flawed system, ScreenPro Security now has the ability to perform 15,000 tests per week today in Canada with virtually no difficulty whatsoever. Their labs are constantly expanding to meet the ever-increasing inbound orders from their growing client base. They are able to achieve this monumental ability by creating new partnerships with local labs and upgrading their status from a Level 1 to a Level 2 under the required registration to gain the necessary approval required by Health Canada to review the test kits. Through continued efforts, ScreenPro Security looks to increase the capacity of test kit analysis, bringing more labs online and climbing towards the review of roughly 45,000 tests per week.

Small Business Solutions

While the film and television industry in Canada allowed for humble beginnings, ScreenPro Security now looks to expand into other private sectors to support the needs of local business who are searching for an effective method to not only provide a safe working environment for their employees, but also a secure shopping experience for their customers. In today’s society, the only realistic option to prove a clean bill of health before wandering into public is to be tested, and through the use of ScreenPro Securities innovative test kits, both testing and test outcome wait times can be reduced significantly. For example, medical dentists need to know that their clients are safe before entering the building to receive something as simple as a teeth cleaning. By offering ScreenPro rapid testing, dental practitioners can assuredly remain operational without risking the wellbeing of its employees and its patients.

ScreenPro Security continues to meet with publicly traded companies to discuss how the availability of test kits combined with its personal nursing staff can help administer roughly 25,000 tests a week. With its workforce hovering around 25 staff and 200 nurses between Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, the company is committed to expand its services nationwide.

Furthermore, the scarcity of vaccinations is pressuring employers to find practical solution that will allow a safe return to work until herd immunity can be achieved, and until such a time exists, the lack of vaccinations becomes a catalyst for the requirement of elevated testing. For this reason alone, ScreenPro has strategically positioned itself to not only provide an essential service to society but collect hefty profits along the way. The simple solution made available by ScreenPro will enable millions of businesses to re-open, supporting an economy that is desperate for assistance, allowing both business owners and employees the ability to provide for once again themselves, their communities, their customers, and their families. Furthermore, the reliance on government stimulus packages that are creating exponential debt for future Canadians to burden will diminish, allowing taxpayers to once again breathe a sigh of relief and focus on a return to a prosperous and robust Canadian economy.

Safe Travel

The travel and hospitality industry found themselves lost in an inauspicious labyrinth for months on end while international borders closed to all but essential travel, eradicating critical revenue streams for both vacation property owners and airline vendors alike. The promise of immunization has slowly become reality, but many societies are months, if not years away from any return to normalcy. Those who still wish to travel are met with nonsensical legislation, suchlike the recent actions of a United Airlines flight who had the audacity to remove a family simply because their two-year-old daughter refused to wear a mask. With the innovative solutions provided by ScreenPro Security, passengers can be tested within 24 hours of departure, eliminating any concern regarding infection while travelling and possibly eliminating the requirement to travel with face coverings. Just recently mandated by the federal government of Canada, all travelers over the age of five are required to provide a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours before boarding a flight home, placing further emphasis on the necessity for ScreenPro Security and its services.

ScreenPro recently announced a partnership with a Canadian based supply chain company in Toronto named Aviation Traders who provides countless essential products to all large-scale airports. While this partnership can be considered the beginning of its emergence into the travel and hospitality sector, ScreenPro Security will likely continue to target the likes of chartered vacation companies and resort properties in the near future, presumably greeted with tremendous applaud. With the ability to provide an essential service to airline enterprises, chartered vacation companies and resorts, ScreenPro Security offers a viable solution that allows for the safe return to travel, which in turn should garnish prodigious growth opportunity for both the company and investors in the near future.

Supplying the Global Demand

With the influence of COVID-19 spanning the globe, the need for ScreenPro Security to provide its services outside of North America becomes increasingly apparent. Just recently announced, London Mayor Sadiq Khan suggested an increase to community testing through the creation of roughly 85 new test centers, 45 of which are to be mobile. Sparking the need for additional support, companies such as ScreenPro’s partner, Enoura Medical are in discussions with the NHS on supplying test kits and ancillary products, whom conveniently have registered ScreenPro Security products for use in the UK. Complimented by a 900 million RFP and armed with approval as a vendor for the NHS, Enoura is well supported to assist for the surge in required testing in the UK, and ScreenPro can drastically benefit from the potential partnership with Enoura. ScreenPro Security and Enoura Medical are also in talks with potential government health officials overseas and speaking to them about facilitating a complete solution for testing their populations as the need for reliable test kits around the world heighten. The majority of the products offered by ScreenPro Security are FDA approved, Health Canada, as well as CE approved, allowing the company to extend its offerings into the UK, Europe, Africa, USA, and Canada. Although the supply and distribution of pharmaceutical supplies is a massive business in America, they are experiencing shortages on many of the products required to support a healthy society. The company’s ability to stay on-top of demand and never falter from delivery dates, making an extensive profit albeit, is growing the company’s reputation as the industry leader for reliable rapid testing.

The issue moving forward will be finding the required space and manpower to satisfy the needs of the masses. ScreenPro has cultivated a unique approach, utilizing brand new facilities left empty by the fallout of the cannabis industry and electing to support the conversion of these facilities into licensed operations. The government has reached out to several of these labs, however most shy away due to the extensive work required to get started. ScreenPro Security viewed this as an opportunity, and by connecting with specific lab teams willing to participate and offering to get the lab running, beneficially inputting its very own testing equipment, such as PCR machines, rapid extraction tables and UTM’s, within a matter of days these labs can apply for their licensing and become fully functional. This magnitude of support will provide large markets that are hot spots and in high demand of assistance the supply and analysis of reliable COVID-19 testing deemed necessary by governments everywhere. One can conclude that ScreenPro has the ability to offer unparallel service through its innovative technologies, backed by a robust supply chain with unmatched availability. As the product becomes increasingly relevant and required to support the global pandemic, one can surely assume that revenues will begin to multiply, carrying its market cap along for the ride for investors to enjoy.

Future of Testing

When does it end? A question surely asked by the masses during this previous year, what does the future of living with COVID-19 look like? It is of personal opinion that as the vaccines are administered and societies crawl towards a herd immunity status, we will be faced with ever evolving mutations of the virus, requiring the constant need for new and improved immunizations. ScreenPro tests can detect the new strains and recently registered these facts with Health Canada. The only possible solution to returning to a functional economy and society will be the continued use of test kits. The NHS is already preparing to test for the next two years, as a minimum, and this could be perceived as a generous assumption, once again verifying the magnitude of importance that ScreenPro Security and its superior products offer through such trying times. The reality of the situation could very well transpire into the necessity to perform consistent testing before carrying out simple daily tasks so that mandatory masks and lockdowns become a thing of the past, which is essential for the future wellbeing of mental health. The expectation as we progress into the new world will surely place emphasis on mainstream testing for as long as it takes to get ahead of the illness, and as grotesque as this may seem, the solutions presented by ScreenPro seems practical in lieu of being short of breath and forcefully restricted from friends and family.

Keeping this consideration in mind, ScreenPro Security has also noted the desire to create more user-friendly tests that are less invasive than current options. The nasal swabs in particular can be rather discomforting, with ScreenPro having experienced several patients pass out or even sneeze, lodging the test swab in the nasal cavity during testing. This will provide a much-needed antidote for both the testing of children, as surely it can be quite difficult for medical professionals to administer a nasal swab on a toddler, and the potential to perform testing in the comfort of your own home.

With the future in mind, ScreenPro Security is well positioned to command a sizeable position as a supplier of COVID-19 support products for years to come but continues to look at supplying frontline workers and general society with safety products as part of a marketing campaign. The company is exploring the idea of providing big box stores, hospitals, and other health clinics with the supply of proper alcohol content hospital grade hand sanitizer with its name, logo, and summary of its commitment to help raise brand awareness long into the future. Combined with the eventual distribution and administering of millions of test kits globally, the company has the potential to become a household name rather quickly.

The ambitions of ScreenPro Security are evident and currently unmatched when considering the potential impact its services offer to both society and industry. With all current opportunities at hand, combined with the estimated half million in net revenues already achieved, future operations could provide investors with an opportunity to share illustrious future successes. On the basis that it will most definitely get worse before it gets better when considering the COVID-19 pandemic, ScreenPro Security has accomplished so much in such a short period of time and has impressively positioned itself in desperate markets, offering superior services while creating the ability to convert millions of essential service sales into sizeable profits.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Assume that Breakaway Investors author (Ryan Krikke) owns shares in the company featured and has a conflict of interest. The content of this article is for information only. Readers must fully understand and agree that the contents of this article are not a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any security. The author assumes no responsibility for the investment actions executed by the reader. Always do additional research and always consult a professional before purchasing any security. Full disclaimer found at

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