Plans for Net Zero Carbon Emissions Fueling Hydrogen Market Growth

March 09, 2021 -

The world wants to transition to net zero carbon emissions. It’s part of the reason about 197 countries adopted the Paris Climate Accord. In addition, some of the top companies in the world have even pledged to help, including General Motors (NYSE:GM), DuPont (NYSE:DD), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Walmart (NYSE:WMT), and Jericho Energy Ventures (TSXV:JEV)(OTC:JROOF).

The shift to net zero carbon emissions is giving hydrogen fuel a major boost, for example. Supported by the global shift of regulators, investors and consumers toward decarbonization, hydrogen is already receiving unprecedented interest and investments. That’s where Jericho Energy Ventures comes into play – with its Dynamic Combustion Chamber (DCC) boiler solution, which provides zero emissions.

To help, General Motors is moving towards an all-electric, zero emissions future. In fact, by 2040, GM expects to become carbon neutral in its global products and operations. DuPont has a goal to reduce greenhouse emissions by 30% including sourcing 60% of electricity from renewable energy, and deliver carbon neutral operations by 2050 the latest.

Walmart has pledged zero emissions by 2040. “It’s more than just lowering emissions—we have to bend the curve and draw down. So we believe that means eliminating emissions from operations and going beyond that, doing additional projects, to sequester carbon,” said Kathleen McLaughlin, Walmart’s executive vice president and chief sustainability officer, as quoted by Fast Company. Even Microsoft has said it will be carbon negative by 2030.

Jericho Energy Ventures (TSXV:JEV)(OTC:JROOF) Looking to Scale Up

Jericho Energy Ventures just announced it has signed an agreement with Santa Barbara, CA-based Capella Partners to serve as its Senior Technical Advisor.

The relationship, headed up by Jourdan Urbach and Romi Kadri, will leverage Capella’s collective skills and expertise in providing deep technical due diligence, IP development, industrialization, and commercialization related to Jericho’s low-carbon investments.

“We are grateful for Capella’s diverse background in providing support to deep-tech growth companies as we look to successfully scale up our capital intensive and technically challenging processes. With the Capella team comes decades of experience in venture investing, technical R&D, product development and new product introduction,” Brian Williamson, CEO of JEV stated.

Meet JEV’s New Senior Technical Advisors:

Jourdan Urbach

Jourdan advises clients on technically complex early-stage investments at Capella Partners and Brandt & Co. Most recently Jourdan was at McKinsey & Co., where he helped build their internal venture capital group in addition to serving Fortune 1000 clients. Jourdan was first tasked with improving the Firm's innovation pipeline, helping to shape, and run the New Ventures Competition. During that time, he also served as Product Manager or interim CTO for a portfolio of over 20 internal startups, called McKinsey Solutions.

Previously Jourdan co-founded Mass Lab, raising over $3M in funding from Mark Cuban, Social Starts, and other notable investors. Prior to Mass Lab, Jourdan built and led a 14-person skunkworks team as Director of R&D at Mimedia, and co-authored 3 US utility patents there. Before entering the business world, Jourdan was a neurogenomics researcher specializing in bioinformatics at Harvard Med and MIT's Broad Institute. Jourdan is chair emeritus of the New York board of the World Economic Forum Global Shapers and is a frequent writer on the topics of entrepreneurship and startup leadership. Jourdan graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in Complex Systems Jourdan resides in Jackson, Wyoming and spends his free time flying planes, training Muay Thai & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and making the most of the beautiful Tetons.

Romi Kadri

Romi is the Managing Partner of Capella Partners - a venture finance firm that serves the strategic and technology investment interests of 65+ family offices, corporates and UHNWIs around the world. Through Capella, Romi has facilitated the investment of over $100M of capital into 17 ESG-oriented technology companies, which now have a collective valuation in excess of $8Billion. Romi is a Senior Advisor to Capella's portfolio company, TAE Technologies - the world's foremost developer of fusion energy - and serves on the boards of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, the MIT Enterprise Forum of the Central Coast, and Illinois-based TADA Cognitive Solutions. 

He is a graduate of MIT's Mechanical Engineering program, where he was awarded the Patrick J McGovern Award for the "Advancement of Entrepreneurship Education at MIT" in recognition of his achievements in furthering MIT's ability to bring more of its problem-solving technologies to the world. In 2012 he developed and taught the entrepreneurship curriculum for the Singapore University of Technology and Design that continues to be in use today.  Previously, he worked in manufacturing automation in the aerospace division of Rolls-Royce, where he was awarded the Incorporation of Hammermen Award for "Engineering Excellence" in recognition of the efficiencies achieved within Rolls-Royce's supply chain as a result of his work on automating a number of manufacturing and quality control processes. Romi has supported the development & exit of a series of companies in sports retail, aquaculture and technology, and has served as an A&R at Interscope Records under the music executive Neil Jacobson, and as a Venture Capital Associate at Alsop-Louie Partners. 

Romi holds 40 granted patents for his inventions, and previously led Innovation at Sonos - which has developed over 1500 patents. He co-authored an Amazon-bestseller for McGraw-Hill’s “Evil Genius” series of educational books, titled “DIY Drones for the Evil Genius.” Romi serves as a volunteer mission pilot with the Civil Air Patrol and Angel Flight West, and in 2018, he was awarded the Banyan Tree Award for "exemplary contributions toward global economic prosperity, strategic innovation in global markets, cross-cultural collaboration and international goodwill."

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