Twitter (TWTR) Monetizes Periscope

September 07, 2016 -

Written by Ophir Gottlieb


Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) has finally turned to a monetization strategy for Periscope.


Business Insider tipped us off to Twitter's blog post surrounding a monetization strategy for Periscope. It's just a start, and it’s hardly complete, but it's here.

Periscope has been the one shining light in the Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) engagement and monthly average user growth problem. Live streaming video is the new black and Twitter shareholders have been long awaiting a revenue model. Here's what Twitter announced:

"Today, we are introducing a new way for brands to join and add to the Twitter conversation using live video broadcasts and highlights from Periscope."

Source: Twitter Official Blog


The blog post runs a little long in both its description and praise for Andy Roddick, the ex-US tennis star that was the launching pad for the program, but once we sift through that, we do find some more gems. Here's some more:

"The Amplify program works in partnership with content creators and brand partners to create unique, immersive experiences on Twitter and Periscope. This campaign will appear in a few ways on Twitter: Periscope broadcasts will be shared through Tweets from @andyroddick, select broadcasts will appear as Promoted Tweets from the brand launch partners, and branded broadcast highlight videos will be Tweeted by Andy and shared by the brand partners."

Source: Twitter Official Blog

As we can read above, the monetization strategy is hardly fully fleshed out, but it's a start, and Twitter Inc. needs a start -- badly.

The author is long shares of Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR).


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