ParcelPal’s Disruptive Technology is Changing the Local Courier Services Landscape

February 07, 2017 -

In the world of new and disruptive technologies, there are a few ideas that just make a lot of sense to everyone. And sure enough, several have become overnight sensations, while changing the landscape completely.

The funny thing is, they often don’t rely on infrastructure or conventional business models at all. Take Uber for instance; the company doesn’t own any cars, it doesn’t employ drivers and it doesn’t have a traditional infrastructure. Instead, it’s based around an intelligent app that works to efficiently deliver people (and now goods) from point-to-point at a very economical price.

Yet Uber is incredibly successful at what it does. So much so that it has spawned massive competition and is truly revolutionizing personal transport business, while making investors a lot of money.

Here’s another segment that’s about to be impacted: local courier services. They are about to get a rude awakening thanks to small innovators like ParcelPal, among others.

The existing local couriers have never even conceived of ordinary people being massed together using smart technology to piggyback existing travel and traffic. But that’s exactly what’s happening. Fast moving start-ups like ParcelPal Technology, Inc. (Publicly traded in Canada under the symbol CSE: PKG and in the U.S. under the symbol OTC: PTNYF) and some of the now “legacy” companies like Amazon, are onboard big time.

It’s a simple model. Like Uber or Lyft, they enlist local drivers to deliver point-to-point using smart app-driven systems. They profit from both sides of delivery and the technology.

We spotted ParcelPal because this ingenious start-up rolling out in the Vancouver, Canada market is taking it to a whole new level, even offering deliveries direct from local pot dispensaries (medically approved of course). Yes, that’s right, along with your favourite meals and alcohol, you can now get your medical marijuana delivered right to your door.

How could you not love this?

The company has a lot going for it and management seems to understand that it’s the technology that ties the whole thing together. They are investing in full integration and a platform that will be easily scalable so that they can expand to other markets (like Colorado and Nevada?) right away.

ParcelPal (CSE: PKG – OTC: PTNYF) is disruptive because it does not need to build large warehouses or storage facilities – unlike traditional logistics services. Every time a traditional courier expands, it has to invest a large amount of capital in warehouses, sorting systems, fleets of vehicles and pay competitive wages to their employees. Not so for ParcelPal. This is a lean, mean model.

Smart investors are already looking for ways to get a foothold in the early stages. As the field settles out, there will be some big winners. Once again, the early bird will get the worm and could count these among their “I spotted it first” stocks.

Winning Stocks In This Sector: Worth Learning About, But Too Late To Invest!

RECENT: $52.92

Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. The Company employs trained professionals in 187 full-service offices and numerous satellite locations located on six continents linked into a seamless worldwide network through integrated information management systems.

RECENT: $3.68

Radiant Logistics Inc is a transportation and logistics services company providing customers domestic and international freight forwarding services through a network of Company-owned and strategic operating partner locations.

RECENT: $807.64, Inc. provides online retail shopping services. It provides services to four primary customer sets: consumers, sellers, enterprises, and content creators. The company also provides other marketing and promotional services, such as online advertising and co-branded credit card agreements.

Conveniently, ParcelPal has listed on the OTC Bulletin Board and Canadian Stock Exchange, so unlike Uber and some other disruptor stocks, investors can participate right from these very early stages. It trades in the U.S.under the symbol: OTC: PTNYF and in Canada under CSE: PKG and is still virtually undiscovered.

If you’re looking to locate displacement trends to get in on right now, you may want to zero in on ParcelPal and any competitors who manage to lock up the new home-based direct point of delivery market in the totally fluid delivery logistics market.

You can also learn more about ParcelPal’s Disruptive Technology by visiting their website:

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