1100 Percent Growth, Non-Dilutive Coin Offering and Launch of Coin Exchange Could Make KPAY the Next Blockchain Super Stock

December 27, 2017 -

- KinerjaPay (KPAY) Digital Payments Company Plans Coin Offering Using Existing KCOIN On-Platform Currency, Making Company First Publicly Traded Coin Exchange?

- 1100% Growth in Last Few Months Could Accelerate Even Further with Natural New Customer Acquisition Through ICO and Additional Non-Dilutive Capital from Offering; Users and Revenue Could Be Set Up for Explosive Growth

The Asian electronic payment company KinerjaPay (KPAY) announced last week that they are moving forward with a $5 Million initial coin offering (ICO) that will not only take their already popular KCOIN mainstream, but will also create the first publicly traded company with a cryptocurrency exchange.

KinerjaPay will transition from a straightforward electronic payment platform, like other popular products AliPay, to a token payment platform, where cryptocurrencies are both used in ecommerce setttings and exchanged among speculators. This will allow the company to do two things at once: attract significantly more customers to the platform, potentially sending revenues soaring, and add non-dilutive capital to the balance sheet. On top of already impressive 1100% revenue growth this quarter, 2018 could be even bigger as KPAY becomes the only publicly traded cryptocurrency exchange, and an ICO could allow the company to uplist to the NASDAQ.

A Simple Pivot: Smart Customer Onboarding Maneuver and Meaningful Source of Cash

This isn't a big pivot for KinerjaPay, but the benefits are huge. KinerjaPay plans to take KCOIN, which is currently its on-platform currency used by KinerjaPay customers to buy and sell goods and games on the ecommerce platform, and taking it public through an ICO.

The company will build and launch their own cryptocurrency exchange to trade KCOIN and other coins, which will be called KryptoPay. With the ICO, KCOIN will become KinerjaPay's cryptocurrency, listed on one of the largest exchanges in Asia. The KCOIN will become not only a currency for use on the KinerjaPay platform, but also a freely traded cryptocurrency, much like Bitcoin or Ethereum, and with their own intrinsic value based on ecommerce capabilities and extrinisic value based on speculator demand.

This is a smart move and opens up some big opportunities for the emerging company.

First, the ICO allows the company to raise up to $5 million in a nondilutive manner, and with Fintech Global Consultants and Blockchain Industries, Inc. (OMGT) on board, the company should have no problem getting a serious deal done. Fintech is a major coin player and has raised more than $150 million in initial coin offerings to date. The deal could get done rapidly, and it will do nothing to dilute KPAY shareholders - just look at the recent splashy coin Envion (EVN), which raised $10 Million in 2 hours earlier this month!

Second, KinerjaPay brings in a totally new source of KinerjaPay customers with the ICO, and this is basically free marketing. As people in the Southeastern Asian region buy KCOIN through the ICO, they'll naturally gravitate towards KinerjaPay to use this new currency within the ecommerce and gaming ecosystem. KinerjaPay's user growth is already exploding, with 410,000 transactions and 10,962 new users in the third quarter of 2017, alone.

Take a look at what's happened recently with Ripple (XRP), a top-five cryptocurrency with a huge $46.2 billion market cap. Forbes recently called this "a Western Union using blockchain technology. It is a digital payment system that allows for discounts for its service for those who pay to use it in the Ripple coin."

Sound familiar? Its a very similar premise to KinerjaPay and KCOIN, and according to Alexey Ivanov, CEO and co-founder of Polynom Crypto Capital, "Asians are going mad for Ripple." The Asian region accounts for 1/3 to 1/2 of all cryptocurrency trading volume, driven partly by the region's ineffective and inaccessible banking system. KinerjaPays success stems from the demand in this region, and could be built especially by the need for Asian investor liquidity. "Ripple started the year worth about one cent and is now at a dollar because of banks in Japan and South Korea testing the use of Ripple's technology for flash-transactions," said Ivanov in the recent Forbes article.

Based on KinerjaPay's huge user growth and 1100% revenue expansion last quarter, KinerjaPay could be on the verge of booming in the Southeast Asia region, one of the most populous and crypto-hungry regions globally.

Look at what's happened to other companies that have launched blockchain or crypto businesses, like Net Element (NASDAQ: NETE) last week. Shares in NETE ran an amazing 650% on their new blockchain business unit. The same for MGT Capital Investments Inc. (OTCQB: MGTI), which rallied 300% in the last few weeks.

Public investors haven't caught on yet to the implications of this KPAY deal: it's not just about an ICO, it's also a huge step towards onboarding more KinerjaPay users, which means more revenue for the company. This is free marketing, and it shouldn't be difficult considering the company's explosive growth in 2017. An ICO could bring in $5 to 10 Million in assets between cash and KCOIN, meaning that the company is likely eligible for a NASDAQ uplisting and concurrent valuation increase as institutional investors take a fresh look.

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